Teamie Android App (5.2): In our latest Android app update, 5.2, we have added the following features and enhancements to your on the go learning. Unavailable and Completed Materials Toggle As the learning session progresses, materials tend to increase and learners might have to go through all the materials to find the ones that […]
Category: iOS

Teamie Mobile Apps updates (Android – 4.10, iOS – 3.20)
Teamie App Parent Workflow We have enhanced the look and feel of our Teamie mobile apps for parents, and added new workflows for them to easily access necessary information about their children’s studies. Once the parents log into the mobile apps, they will see a revamped Children screen. Now, this screen will provide a more […]

Teamie Mobile Apps Updates (Android – 4.9, iOS – 3.19)
Login Revamp We are happy to introduce a more efficient and intuitive login workflow in both our apps. As opposed to the previous login workflow, that uses the web views to deliver the login functionality, we have made the login workflow completely native to the apps. Not going into the technical details, simply speaking, you […]

Teamie Mobile Apps updates (Android – 4.6, iOS – 3.17)
Native view for Assignments and Quizzes (iOS – 3.17) We have revamped the assessment view to make it more informative and user friendly. This will help both learners and instructors to do more with the assessments on the app. Learner view Learners will be able to view the important details of an assessment at […]

Teamie Mobile Apps Updates (Android – 4.5, iOS – 3.16.3)
The recent mobile app updates (Android – 4.5, iOS – 3.16.3) brought learning progression to both our apps. The Android app also gets a revamped and exciting view for assessments. Let’s talk about these updates in detail. Learning Progression In our last web update, we introduced learning progression for classrooms. Learning progression for a particular classroom make sure that learners […]

Teamie Mobile Apps Updates (Android – 4.4, iOS – 3.15 & 3.16)
Let’s talk about our mobile app updates that went between the last web update and this one. Teamie Android app rolled out version 4.4, whereas Teamie iOS released version 3.15 and 3.16! Let’s see what’s new in our mobile apps. Notification Preferences The last app updates brought a revamped Profile and More screen. Continuing with the […]

Teamie Gradebook for Teachers
Hello everyone! We, at Teamie, are pleased to announce the launch of our full-fledged Gradebook app for both Android and iOS platforms. Teamie Gradebook app is dedicated to all teachers and instructors and will allow them to review and grade learners’ submissions on the go! Let’s take a deeper look at the key features and […]
Teamie App Update (Android – 4.3, iOS – 3.13)
Our apps (Android – 4.3, iOS – 3.13) have been updated recently to offer you a revamped Profile and More screen. Tapping on the More button in the footer will take you to your revamped profile with a handful of enhancements. Firstly, you will notice that the cover image for your profile has been added. It […]

Teamie App Update (Android: 3.6 / iOS: 3.3.3)
Hey Teamie app users! A happy new year 2018 to you guys, hope you are having a good start to the year. To brighten up your year even more, we are here with a new update, Teamie App Update (Android: 3.6 / iOS: 3.3.3)! This app update will bring a couple of exciting and much […]

Teamie App Update 3.2
Hello everyone! Hope your thumbs are well rested because we are here with the latest Teamie app update 3.2 🙂 Believe us, when we say, you wouldn’t be able to get your thumbs off your mobile screens after this update. Why? Because we have added a sparkling new feature in our Teamie app arsenal! Teamie […]