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Teamie Sirius (2.17)

Hello everyone! Welcome to our latest update – Teamie Sirius (2.17)! This update brings curriculum planning capabilities to Teamie with the introduction of the ‘Unit Planner’. This feature will allow curriculum heads and staff members to enter and view the progress and results for learners across the cohort in a single view, tracked by standards, assessments, & lessons. Teamie Sirius (2.17) also brings the ability to limit user sessions and allow the export of activity streams at the classroom/module level. Let’s quickly give you a TL;DR of this update before diving into the details:

  • Teamie Unit Planner for curriculum planning, delivery, and reporting
  • Limit web sessions for users on the web platform
  • Export activity stream logs at the classroom level

Teamie Unit Planner

We are glad to introduce the Unit Planner in our latest update, Teamie Sirius (2.17). A unit planner can have the structure (desired results, evidence, and learning plan) for learning through lessons with instructional activities and resources that can be delivered with assessments.

On Teamie, a unit planner is a common classroom where workspace members can create common assessments linked to standards that are then pushed to all the classrooms (of the same cohort, i.e. same grade, subject, and academic session) that would provide evidence of learners’ understanding. 

Note: ‘Unit Planner’ is a whitelabelled term and can vary from site to site. For example, ‘Curriculum Planner’, ‘Workspace’ etc. can be configured instead of ‘Unit Planner’ as per your Teamie site’s configuration.

Once users are given access to the required grade(s) and subject(s), they can be added as workspace members or workspace administrators in the unit planners of the corresponding cohorts. Workspace users can create units in the unit planner and add the required From Week and To Week information. Based on these weeks, the units will be mapped to the Curriculum Map of the unit planner. Each unit will encapsulate the three stages of Understanding By Design (UBD), filterable by a specific stage:

  • Stage 1: Desired Results
  • Stage 2: Evidence
  • Stage 3: Learning Plan

To know more about the Unit Planner, kindly click here to read the blogpost dedicated to Teamie Unit Planner.

Limit User Sessions on the Web

This feature is a direct result of the feedback from one of our clients to restrict users to only use one device at a time, while being logged in to Teamie.

The limiting user sessions feature is in its infancy and currently we have developed the workflow such that this will be applicable only for web sessions, and mobile devices logins will not be counted in the user session limit.

Therefore, if this feature is enabled on your site, then users will not be able to login to their Teamie accounts on multiple browsers on the same device as per the set session limit. If the maximum simultaneous sessions are exceeded, the user will be automatically logged out.

Note: This is an optional feature and you can contact us in case you wish to enable and configure this feature on your Teamie site.

Export Activity Stream

As an instructor, you can track all the activity done by your classroom members from the Activity Stream page on a classroom’s Dashboard. Similarly, learners can track different types of activities done by them across their classrooms from the Recent activities tab on their profile page. 

Now, we have added the functionality of export on the aforementioned places for users to export the corresponding activity logs in an excel format (XLSX).

You can also apply the available filters and then export the filtered report. The report will be emailed to your registered account.

The exported excel report will have two sheets – Details and Activities

The Details sheet will have the following information:

  • Classroom name (for Activity Stream)
  • Filters applied details
  • User’s name (for Recent Activities)

The Activities sheet will have the following columns, which will be in chronological order:

  • Date & Time
  • Log text
  • User (The user who performed the action)
  • Context (Only available for user’s export in Recent Activities)
  • Type (This is the overall category, such as Lessons, Assessments, etc.)
  • Action (This is the specific action, such as user accessing a lesson page)

We hope this feature helps you keep track of the activities on Teamie in a more efficient and convenient manner. Give us a shout-out or pat our backs if you like this feature.

So, that’s it for this update. See you next time! Till then stay healthy and stay collaborative.

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